KACHEA Membership Registration Form
KACHEA Statement of Faith 2020-2021.docx Size : 70.668 Kb Type : docx |
Kachea application 21-22 & code of conduct.docx Size : 200.942 Kb Type : docx |
2021/22 School Year registration is now open!
KACHEA membership runs from June 1 - May 31 each year. Please note: No matter when you join during the current school year - membership expires May 31 of that year.
You can register online and even pay your membership fee online using PayPal.
If paying via Paypal, please use the link below. Cost is $29, through September 1st. (After September 1st, the price increases to $34.)
If you prefer to print and mail your registration form, you can find the printable version of the form below. Please make check payable to KACHEA and send it to Patricia Dotson's mailing address (listed below).
Registration is $29 via mail or $31 via PayPal. (The extra $2 is to cover the fees we're charged by PayPal.)
If you have any questions regarding KACHEA membership, please contact Patricia Dotson (kachea@ymail.com).
Please Note: Leadership positions require a Statement of Faith which you can access either at the links below or via the navigation links at the top of this page.
Statement of Faith forms are also required of Co-Op participants, coaches, board members, and any other leaders of any of the activities KACHEA offers.
Patricia Dotson
5136 Blarney Road
Kingsport, TN 37664
Pay here after submitting Registration form.
KACHEA Statement of Faith 2020-2021.docx Size : 70.668 Kb Type : docx |
Kachea application 21-22 & code of conduct.docx Size : 200.942 Kb Type : docx |
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